We will gather the group of attendees at the times listed below and give an illustrated basic explanation of homebrewing from start to finish in about 20 minutes followed by Q&A for as long as people have questions. Active brewing will be taking place throughout the day, so people need not attend a presentation to see brewing in action. The presentations will focus on the whole process and highlight the stage of brewing that is occurring at the moment under the tent.
11:30 Basic Homebrewing -- Learn how to get started in homebrewing: how to begin, what you
need, who can help you. Brewing with malt extracts a great way for beginners to brew their first batch. See basic equipment being used for boiling water and adding ingredients.
1:00 More Advanced Homebrewing -- Brewing from Scratch ... Learn how homebrewers crush their grains, "mash," "sparge," boil, and create their own custom beer. Increase your homebrewing vocabulary as you hear and see the whole process step by step. See all grain brewers demonstrate their process in action. Taste the sweet grains.

1:00 More Advanced Homebrewing -- Brewing from Scratch ... Learn how homebrewers crush their grains, "mash," "sparge," boil, and create their own custom beer. Increase your homebrewing vocabulary as you hear and see the whole process step by step. See all grain brewers demonstrate their process in action. Taste the sweet grains.
2:30 Basic Homebrewing -- Learn how to get started in homebrewing: how to begin, what you need, who can help you. Brewing with malt extracts a great way for beginners to brew their first batch. See homebrewing in action as the future-beer is boiled then chilled.
4:00 More Advanced Homebrewing -- Brewing from Scratch ... Learn how homebrewers crush their grains, "mash," "sparge," boil, and create their own custom beer. Increase your homebrewing vocabulary as you hear the whole process step by step. See all grain brewers demonstrate their process in action. Taste the spent grains.
Activities > Brewing Presentations / Homebrew Competition / Live Music / Crafts & Vendors / Cornhole Tournament